Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A season of sweetness

I was really planning on fixing that train tunnel.

But I decided to drink margaritas instead.

I know, good mother/Santa elf huh? In my defense it was my birthday today so I did kind of have an excuse, although by the time I left the restaurant I could barely fit into my pants. I'm not used to drinking calorie-laden drinks on top of a large meal.

But it was delicious.

Speaking of calorie-laden...I managed to bake some pretty fantastic sugar cookies with my aunt's not-so-secret-anymore recipe (see below), and tomorrow am going to tackle frosting.

I use a bag to pipe on the frosting because I think it looks better, but as I was shopping at Wal-Mart at 9 p.m. last night I decided I didn't need to use any food coloring and instead bought colored sprinkles and white frosting.

I don't know if it is a case of work smarter not harder...or weariness from all the Christmas joy I have been spreading lately.

Perhaps both.

Speaking of spreading Christmas joy, I found my dear son in his room peeing into his large toy combine yesterday.

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