Monday, February 28, 2011

I don't know if you've read enough news stories about this so I will say it. The job market is brutal right now. Painful. Especially for someone who intentionally took herself out of the job market to stay home with her child.

Which I certainly don't regret, but I had no idea it would be quite like this.

But I don't graduate until May and won't take boards until June so I have time. And I also don't really absolutely need a job to put food on the table so that makes it a little better.

Top pic, frog and gnome in the winter. I keep them close to the house because it is cold.

Below, animal in the ditch by our house...

Spring? You must be close. The birds were even singing this morning.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

You could come to Holdrege!! I think the hospital here is hiring!!