Friday, September 3, 2010

I am currently online streaming my husband doing color commentary for a football game. Which, if you know him you would know is pretty much his dream internship. Talking about football for 4 hours straight.

Three other things:

1) I had the night to myself and went to work out (good), but then went to Wal-Mart (Not good. Not relaxing. Not where I want to be on a Friday night).

2) As I was standing in line I passed over Cosmopolitan to look at Better Homes and Gardens.

Whenever I try to convince myself I don't feel a day older than 22...something like this happens.

Although, if you can believe this I did learn from the Cosmo cover that pubic hair is back in style.

Just thought you might want to know. For further opinion on the subject click here

Why would the editors put that on the cover of their magazine?

3) I've been awake since 3 a.m. for clinicals and I couldn't figure out why people kept looking at me in Wal-Mart. Maybe it's the mascara smudged underneath my eyes. Or my t-shirt with a clorox stain that I work out in. I think I have something stuck to my butt too. Something I sat in, probably something Holden left on the kitchen chair.

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