Saturday, March 21, 2009

"bare" with me

So I'm wondering about the current economy and, well, lady business. I'm giving fair warning that since this is my blog you're just going to have to bear with me here if you don't like the topic. Or you can just not read this particular one. Either way I have been mulling this over in my head for at least a few months so I had to write about it.

I know a few ladies out there who like it...well lets just say bare. So my question is if a Brazilian wax costs at least $60 a month to maintain how can you really justify over $700 a year on that kind of...maintenance? Painful, expensive, and pardon me but according to at least a few men I know--totally unnecessary.

I have certainly always been a fan of other painless and cheap methods of hair removal. I do have to say that I think wax is the way to go on the eyebrows. You can't get a clean line without waxing (in my opinion) your eyebrows. But really, anyone inspecting that closely down there? And if anyone is thisclose the lights are off--or at least dim, right? RIGHT?

So what's the current obsession with looking like a prepubescent girl? I'm not saying I think we should go back to the 60's or 70's as far as hair growth goes but I am a frugal woman and this topic just blows my mind.

Save your money and buy a razor, ladies.