Okay, two things.
1. Yesterday I went the entire day with one of those size stickers on the back of my pants (because they were new and I was too lazy to wash them first). It was pretty high up on my butt and I was wearing a long scrub jacket, but still.
At least someone told me, finally.
Maybe no one else noticed, but I seriously doubt that.
2. Today I went to the gym after class and noticed in the locker room that I had been wearing my pants backward all day. I thought they didn't look right in the mirror this morning but was wearing waaaay too baggy black lounge pants because my abdomen still hurts from surgery...
Did I tell you I had a laparoscopy a little over a week ago? But I digress.
I think some long hard sleep is definitely in my future.
And tomorrow I'm going to put my pants on correctly.
I clearly missed something....why the laparoscopy? Hope you're recovering quickly!!
I missed it too! What Happened?? Are okay?
I'm okay! Endometriosis, which I've had forever but finally had surgery for it.
By the way, I walked out of the house yesterday and had to double check that my pants were on correctly.
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