Thursday, December 9, 2010

I have been working on a few anxiety issues. I know that it is out of control because I am fairly certain other people don't avoid letting their children wear hooded sweatshirts when they are away from home.

The anxious thoughts go something like this...if I am not there to watch him closely he could accidentally hang himself.

I also don't like it when he eats anything...hard because I am terrified he will choke.

I am aware this catastrophic thinking isn't normal and sometimes it is not fun to be in my head. But yesterday everytime I had a thought (like Tony and Holden getting into a car accident) I replaced it with repeating to myself 'I am blessed'.

And also decided last week that psychotherapy is probably a good idea. Maybe have a little PTSD.

On a much lighter note, I am done with my semester today! I am so ready for Christmas festivities.

I went to walmart today with Holden and the Salvation army bell ringer had brought his own tiny radio. He was playing polka music. It made me smile.

I wrote this from my phone so if its seems disjointed that is why.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

If it makes you feel any better, my kids have to share a room b/c I won't move Makenzie to the basement out of fear that we'll have a house fire and she'll be trapped in the basement and i won't be able to get to her. Irrational?? Maybe!