Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

One. more. week.

And then all the craziness stops.

The mental health nursing rotation is over.

The running around.

The insane extended family issues.

I know what you're thinking...It's only the beginning of December--the running around and multiple family members have only just begun working at unraveling your sanity.

But I refuse to participate. I'm going to sit this one out like an awkward sixth grade girl who pretends she has menstrual cramps to get out of gym class.

I'm going to show up to my (and my in-laws) family events, toast one glass of white wine to the sugared-up masses and keep my cool throughout the holidays.

No gift? I'll give cash.

Blizzard outside? I have a crackling yule log DVD I'll pop in the DVD player.

Car inexplicably overheating in 7 degree weather? No problem, I'll just add some antifreeze and 5W-30 oil, because clearly the oil isn't viscous enough and is causing the engine to work too hard in the cold.

Office Christmas party? Sorry, couldn't find a babysitter.

Can't fit in my jeans? I'll wear yoga pants.

And when I have more time you and I will have a hearty chuckle about the pipe under my kitchen sink literally exploding on Thanksgiving morning while my hubby and I (and my sister-in-law) were preparing the meal.

It was really fun.

1 comment:

Megan said...

HAHA! Love it and you! It's can only get better from here....hopefully! ; ) Can't wait to see you 3 weeks!!!!