Any amount of snow that makes my Cadillac look small is...well...a lot of snow.
We had to hire somebody to come and clear the driveway because it was drifted up above the roof of the Sentra--all the way across the driveway and up to the house.
My dear husband trying to shovel snow up to his shoulders was something I'm sorry I missed, but I was sitting at the only bar in town that was open having dinner with my son.
Before you get this picture in your head of me drinking mixed drinks and having a good laugh, it was me trying to keep my kid from screaming his head off in a small bar over two medium rare hamburgers (sent back and then still red the second time--the waiter did give me a discount since I couldn't even take a bite without gagging and didn't want to feed Holden any sketchy hamburger).
Then I fed him Reese's Pieces from one of those bar candy machines (I'm not worried about the candy because my cousin happens to own the ones in that bar--strangely enough I know two people in two different states who own candy machine businesses.) one at a time with the $0.50 I had fished out of my purse.
I get that Reese's Pieces are made from peanut butter and my toddler isn't supposed to have peanut butter products, but I was desperate--and let's face it, I wanted to have some candy for my trouble. I did get to open my new mixer and enjoy the gleam of the new stainless steel when I got home, so it was all worth it.
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