Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thank you Grandma.

I think I'm going to stop reading the news. Between the underwear bomber, Charlie Sheen's most recent arrest, and msnbc constantly warning me that what I eat could kill me (heart attack, stroke, drug resistant e-coli, oh my!).

It's just one of those days today.

Holden received a playskool farm for Christmas from Grandma and played with it for about 4 hours yesterday, constantly hitting the button and making it sing, "Old McVinkle had a farm...eeeiiiieeeeiiiiooooo."

I'm not exaggerating about the 4 hours straight part either. Thankfully (sort of) old McVinkle ran out of batteries today. But now Holden is bugging me to fix it and I don't have 3 AAA batteries to replace the ones he wore out yesterday.

On another note, who the hell is Old McVinkle? Has Old MacDonald kicked the bucket?

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Old McDonald kicked the bucket? Why doesn't msnbc report about that??!?!
Hope your Christmas was great! Get ready for reunion planning lol