Sunday, February 14, 2010

I may or may not just have laughed out loud at a facebook wall status that said,

"...chuckles to himself that the abbreviation for Valentine's day is V.D."
But seriously, I have always always hated Valentine's day. I didn't buy and/or receive any Valentine's day cards and have hated that tradition since they used to make us make little paper "mailboxes" in elementary school and your level of popularity was measured by the number of Valentines you received in your box.
I just laughed out loud again because that last sentence made me think about that quote above.
I'm sure you've read quite enough about how commercialized Valentine's day is and blah blah, and if you've been on FB at all you've seen it.
You know what we did for Valentine's day? I spent the day wiping my kid's snotty nose and letting my husband sleep a little because they have both been sick all weekend. I didn't shower or get out of my pajamas. I watched TV all day, despite having hours of homework I should have been doing.
I guess you can't do much better than spending a Valentine's day blizzard (yes, another one) wrapped up in a blanket in the same room with the loves of your life. I wouldn't trade that for all the flowers and candy in the world
(but I would never refuse a big box of chocolates either).

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