Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I haven't been slacking, I promise. I wrote this long post Monday about how I yelled at some guys I didn't know and called them assholes. I don't know what happened to the post--it seems to have disappeared...but just know this: The yelling and swearing? It was much deserved.

I MAY have had PMS but that is beside the point. They really did deserve it.

Anyway, onto a different topic. Our dream is to buy an acreage in the country (the real country, not something off the highway or on the edge of town). I've always wanted a big, rambling old house with big porches and lots of bedrooms. Even better if it has a good view and good position to the West and South.

We have found a house that fits this description. Only it's not nice. It's like the "before" picture of a big renovation project. The only problem is A) we don't have the money to hire a contractor to do all of it. B) We don't have time to remodel it ourselves. and C) even if we did have time neither of us likes to work on houses. But it's our DREAM. Despite the many things that need to be done it doesn't change that the house fits the bill.

And also, our house isn't in sellable condition. We'd have to do a lot of work to it in a very short period of time to put in on the market. I have been letting the idea ruminate in the back of my mind for the last week or so and I'm still pretty much right where I started. I like my house now. I don't feel like going through the process of buying a house. But then I think about how great we could make that house, and how I could live in it for 60 years (that is how long Tony's grandma has lived in her house). A kitchen and living room with a view, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, walkout basement, fireplace, and on 4 acres.

Next topic: I reached my first weight loss goal! Now I'm down a total of 23 lbs. since I had Allison (and I only gained 11 with the pregnancy). My reward was a tube of lip gloss. Well, I guess I did buy some really expensive shoes the other day those probably count. I'm having trouble with my knee though so that is slowing down my progress getting in shape. Headed to the doctor for that next week.

Storm is rolling in so I should get off the computer.

Another thought about the house: Caveat Emptor

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