Monday, September 14, 2009

Let me preface this by saying: I am overwhelmingly happy for people who have healthy pregnancies and would not wish a bad one on anybody. It's easy for me to be happy because I have the cutest kid ever (and I'm sure all of you parents out there do too).

However, I think I may need to take a break from facebook. One comment in particular stuck in my craw and I can't get it out (it was approximately two weeks ago). Someone I don't know was commenting to my friend on her recently announced pregnancy: "12 weeks! You're safe!"

Now for someone in her (my friend's) position it was meant to be a happy congratulatory comment. To someone with my particular experiences it couldn't sound like a more ignorant statement. I don't know this person. I'm sure she is very nice and well intentioned. But I saw it and it felt like a swift kick to the gut. I understand that statistically speaking, yes, she is "safe". But for someone like me reading it for which most good statistics are not applicable, it was so not cool.

I have a girls night out I am looking forward to going to tonight, but having trouble with leaving my dear husband here with Holden (again) because I feel guilty about it. I can't recall changing one soiled diaper this entire weekend. That's how much he loves me. And he took me out on Friday night, and he let me have all afternoon to myself yesterday to do whatever I wanted (ended up buying a picture I was looking at for the wall). He has also been watching Holden at night so I can get my homework done. And letting me sleep in on the weekend.

But Monday night football is probably on so I shouldn't feel that guilty, right?

Totally off topic but I could really go for a California roll right now.
Cucumber, crab, rice, & avocado--some of my favorite foods! Too bad there isn't a sushi restaurant within 50 miles of me.


AEdwards said...

50 miles?? Seriously? Kar - we've got to work on that. by the way, i can't wait to have a girls' night out again! will you promise to come by when i move back? Miss you all!

Kara said...

Yay! getting so excited for you to be here so I can just drop by! (Don't worry, I'll call first.) Just make sure to put up your breakables before my little terror gets there.

AEdwards said...

breakables? Please, we don't even have furniture to fill most rooms of this house let alone breakables, so i'm not too worried :) drop by whenever! yay!!