Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day!

My socks don't match today. This is a big deal to me...not such a big deal that I will go all the way downstairs to the laundry room to get some that match (if there even are any) but just that I will let it bug me until I forget about it. And then when I take my socks off later it will bother me again. I know, I'm weird. I guess at least I found two short socks. Better than one short and one long.

But haven't you ever had days, weeks, months, years, where you felt like you just can't get your s*** together? I feel like that now. It is quite possibly being pregnant and having an almost 10 month old that does it, I'm not sure. All I know is I don't know how you ladies who work and have children do it. Seriously.

You know those people's houses you walk into and go "Don't these people ever clean?" Admit it, you do it too. I am one of those people right now. I even disgust myself. But only enough to do the bare minimum like vacuum, mop, do dishes, and some laundry daily. Anything above and beyond that is just not happening. I think not feeling well has a lot to do with it, because usually my house is relatively clean. I just feel guiltier about it now because I am staying at home--for some reason thinking that gives me more time (and it really doesn't give me that much extra time). I guess my job is technically to take care of and play with my son and that takes up a lot of my time. But really if I spent less time messing around on the internet I could probably get the laundry done.

I guess for awhile my husband will just have to fend for himself, since it seems to be all I can do to have clean dishes and clothing for Holden. I think part of the problem is that all the baby stuff is in our small living room upstairs (our house is only 1000 sq. feet). If we were to finish the basement I could put all kid stuff downstairs and shut the door. That would be so nice.

I hope the movie Groundhog Day is on tonight. I love Bill Murray.
(Photo of Punxsutawney Phil from

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