Saturday, August 1, 2009

This last picture is after I got my hair done and slept on it. The highlights are not quite as light as I'd like. Ah well, I guess it's good because the less damaged it is the longer I can grow it out. The other ones of Holden are him sleeping in his new car seat on the way to Kearney. I was driving as I took those.

Safe, I know.

I'm still pretty down about all the stuff with my dad, I cry every time I leave the hospital. I hope it starts getting better soon. I think it might be unlikely, but I'm still hopeful.
On a good note we did get the front landscaping rock put in (finally) at our house. After a year of only black tarp down it's looking much nicer. And the top picture is my garden gnome: A little creepy but I believe necessary for every garden. Even a rock garden like mine. I tried to figure out how to move it away from the normal pictures but I am not technically advanced enough to figure it out at the moment.
So you get creepy/cute garden gnome first and then sweet sleeping boy and then me (with no shirt on?). Remember the 80's tube top in which I like to work on my tan? Well as you can see I am not tan, but I like to imagine that someday it could happen. Obviously I'm halfheartedly still working on it (did you notice the picture was taken inside not outside?).
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


Amanda S. said...

You look beautiful! I love your hair and congrats on loosing the weight! I know the feeling about wearing pants that are too big its a great feeling but annoying all in the same. Holding looks so cute in his new carseat. We are gonna need to buy a new one for Gavin in a few short pounds.

Natalie Nelsen said...

Your hair looks great....I'm jealous that its SO long, I can't seem to tolerate mine long enough to grow it out. Just when I start to make progress, I get sick of it and cut it all off. :)

Give us a call when you come out to Kearney, I'd love to come meet you for lunch or something!! Hope you guys are doing well....praying for you all!

AEdwards said...

Love the gnome. He's kinda like a watch dog, but better - you can scare random sales people away from your doorstep without your neighbors thinking you're an "unruly sort." ;)
Holden is getting SO big and cuter by the day!! can't believe the changes in such a short time. What a little man he is!